Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sanders Family Christmas

Clarksville, Ind. (WHAS11)- Last Thursday I attended “Sanders Family Christmas” at Derby Dinner Playhouse.

Walking into the theater, one immediately gets a cozy feeling. The lighting was slightly dimmed and there were poinsettias everywhere. A Christmas tree was on stage along with benches and a piano.
Looking around it was clear that it was a full house, but most of the audience was an older crowd.
The evening began with a buffet style dinner. The food was good complete with a salad bar, and the waiter was very pleasant and prompt. There were drinks of various sorts available along with special take home glasses if you wished to purchase as a souvenir.
The entertainment started with the “Footnotes” which was a singing group of waiters that promoted desserts and alcoholic beverages. They were very good and an enjoyable start to the evening.
The play was set in a church during World War II. The play was performed in the round with the characters coming through the audience to get on and off stage. Overall the acting was alright, but the actual play itself was a little confusing. The premise is that this family, who is a Christian band, is performing at a church the night before one of the sons is shipped off to war. There are over 24 songs that were performed during the play and a lot of gospel recited, but I had a really difficult time trying to decide if I was watching a concert with a theme or an actual play.
Many people left after the first act and most of the audience was restless near the end of the show. With the dinner starting at 7 p.m. and the show not beginning until 8 p.m., the play finished around 10 p.m. With most of the audience being older, they seemed to be upset that the show ran so late.
Now to my rating, I give this show 2 out of 5 bells. Even though the food and service was good I really could not find much of a plot, and the incessant singing started to get old.
This show might appeal to an elderly audience, but not necessarily a family looking for something to go and see together.


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