Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day two of Idea Festival recap

This is a banana piano. That's right- a banana piano. I found this to be the perfect picture to describe what Idea Festival is all about; people staying curious and discovering what else interests them.

Here is a recap of Day 2 subjects:
-Sustainable beauty
-How to bounce back from failure
-Follow your passion, no matter what time in life you start
-The themes of innovation
-Empowering our youth
-General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea
Here are the important takeaways from the speakers:

Lance Hosey talked about sustainable beauty.
Takeaways- Design is everywhere; it affects everything. Sustainability and design aren't or shouldn't be mutually exclusive. Architectures typically build for themselves and not for the consumers. And sometimes sustainability is just a better design that is "hidden under the hood".
To learn more about Lance visit his website at
Roger Newton, Founder and CEO of Esperion Therapeutics, Inc., had 6 major lessons he learned from a failed business that was able to come back better than ever.
1. Don't eliminate your options; surround yourself with people who implement your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Never burn bridges.
3. Your colleagues are your teammates, not your adversaries.
4. Never underestimate your resilience.
5. Do the best science you can.
To learn more about Roger and Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. just click here.
Ariel Waldman is an interior designer turned NASA employee after a documentary changed her life.
Takeaways- You're never too old or need a science background to get involved in space exploration. You never know where and when inspirations will come and change your life. Bring a Science Hack Day to Louisville.
To learn more about what a Science Hack Day is, and more on Ariel just visit her website.
Beth Comstock is the CMO of GE and had four key innovation themes that make GE successful. They are:
1. We need more creative brains.
2. Challenges are becoming increasingly more complicated.
3. There must be a local application of global technology.
4. You have to profit with a purpose.
To read more about Beth just click here.
Next up was Daphne Miller, a practicing physician, with her talk on "farmocology". Her important lessons that she has learned about holistic farming are:
1. Farm as Vitamin:There are 10% more vitamins in plants grown with holistic farming than with conventional methods.
2. Farm as Immune Support: In Germany the "farm effect" is a phenomenon where citizens who were eating off farms in Bavaria weren't as sick and had fewer allergies.
3. Farm as Community Medicine: Urban gardening has many powerful benefits
including lowering obesity and having less crime in the community with the garden.
4. Farm as a model for cancer care (see book "Farmocology")
5. Farm as a model for stress management
To learn more about Dr. Daphne Miller visit her website
The Commissioner of Kentucky's Department of Juvenile Justice, Hasan Davis spoke talk briefly but powerfully.
Takeaways- Community and choice make a difference in life. Help empower youth to keep them away from the criminal system.
To learn more about Hasan's story click here.
Lastly we had the pleasure of listening to Brooks Simpson speak about Civil War General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea.
Takeaway- It's harder to defeat a people, than its army. But by marching through the South, Sherman did just that.
To learn more about Brooks just visit his blog.

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