Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Michael Von Siebenburg Melts Through the Floorboards- Humana Festival play 6

Everyone wants the secret to a long life, but how far would you go to preserve your youthfulness? People spend thousands of dollars every year to look younger, or feel younger but if faced with the ultimate choice, would you take it?

From the picture on the playbill, I had no idea what to expect when I entered the Pamela brown theatre. The set on stage looks like a simple one bedroom apartment, but as soon as the lights turn off the audience gets transported to a medieval battlefield. With the back and fourth time traveling this show gives you an interesting account of history mixed with the present.

This show is a comedy that is deliciously dark and sinfully satirical. Michael Von Siebenburg Melts Through the Floorboards gets a 4.5/5 because of the adult themes, dark nature.

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