Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Christmas Story

Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11)- What does a pack of hound dogs, a BB gun, and a leg lamp all have in common? If you guessed they are all contributors to one of the most beloved Christmas movies then you would be partially correct. Now they are all part of one of the best adaptations of A Christmas Story at Actors Theatre.

Last Thursday I had the pleasure to see Philip Grecian’s adaptation of the classic film that I personally watch at least twice every Christmas Eve. Walking into the Pamela Brown Auditorium, I immediately get a warm Christmasy feeling. The stage is set with a dimly lit kitchen on the center stage, a living room area below that, and a child’s bedroom sits above the kitchen area. It’s a comfy cozy looking set that certainly has an old time feeling to it. There is a light falling of “snow” that can be seen on the sides of the stages taking place in an outside street area. As I look around the packed auditorium I can see the audience is filled with all ages and the excitement is steadily mounting as everyone awaits the opening of the show.

Before the beginning of the show the audience is treated to a little skit by some of the apprentice elves that turn out to be a major part of the play itself. Throughout the show the dancing elves helped change the scenery and added flair and humor to the story. As the lights dim and the show opens I notice one major difference immediately from the movie. The character of Ralph Parker, who is normally a faceless narrator in the movie, becomes an actual tangible character on stage. That one change enhanced the play entirely. He really added not only reality to the character of Ralph, but when he interacted with himself as a child, Ralphie, the exchanges were enchanting.

All of the actors looked very realistic to the movie characters. Their clothing was spot on including the horrible coon skin cap worn by the mean Scut Farkas. The most astonishing look-a-like was the main character Ralphie. With the big blue eyes, round cheeks, and innocent smile this character was a dead ringer for his movie character.

This play was so magical because not only did it have every iconic scene from the frozen flagpole to the shove down Santa’s slide at the department store, but it also had a few changes that made the play fresh. Including a side love story with Ralphie and a classmate.

Children and adults both seemed the enjoy the show immensely.

" We liked it very much. It was very humorous and really got you into the holiday spirit. The elves! We loved them," said the Grantzs family of two kids and two adults.

For my rating on A Christmas Story I am giving it 5 bells out of 5 because the adaptation was so true to the movie, but it also had enough changes that kept you interested and active. It is a show that all ages can come and enjoy.

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